Saturday, May 30, 2009

My Saturday morning changed of plan

i should now be in Pavilion doing my yum ca session but due to the fact that
  • lack of sleep
  • lack of energy
  • lack of time
  • lack of money
  • lack of determination
  • lack of ......
i decided to stay at home lazzz around n blog...cos i ll start working this coming mon....tired frens were so envy tht i ve 3 mths break but i told them that the end of exam is d beginning of whole new busy life 4 me!

In fact i should be thr to collect my gift from Tangs and Island Shop, get my complimentary from Benefits, and some makan and yum ca!booOOoo

@nite kick off meet at 7pm...

my cute little niece ll becoming over this noon...wink wink

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